Herbal Consultations

Plants are powerful allies and can assist us on our healing journey. Consultations take into account all facets of a person’s life. As such, herbal remedies, as well as lifestyle adjustments, will be offered that specifically address each individual’s needs. This offer is for 4 sessions total. One initial consult (approximately 90 minutes) and three follow up sessions (approx 60 minutes). ... Read More

Plants are powerful allies and can assist us on our healing journey. Consultations take into account all facets of a person’s life. As such, herbal remedies, as well as lifestyle adjustments, will be offered that specifically address each individual’s needs.

This offer is for 4 sessions total. One initial consult (approximately 90 minutes) and three follow up sessions (approx 60 minutes). PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE

What you Get:

A free 30-minute consultation so we can make sure this is a good fit. On this call, we’ll look at what you want to get support with and what your goals are. If we feel like a good match, we’ll co-create a plan to get you there.
Thoughtful recommendations for the kinds of modalities and timeframe that would best meet your needs, so you can get the absolute most out of our work together.
A wide array of holistic tools, that weave together science and tradition, you can call on when you’re struggling, so you feel empowered to improve your well-being.
The opportunity to shape the plan so you can maintain autonomy and agency throughout the whole process.
A minimum of 4 sessions of co-created, customized, somatic work, so you can experience the full impact of the work we do together.
Practices and rituals you can easily do at home, so you can continue to care for yourself between and beyond our time together.

Massage Therapy

Whether it’s used to soothe the nervous system, increase range of motion, or feel more resourced, hands on bodywork brings us into the present moment and offers real time feedback on what is happening in our bodies. Techniques may include Swedish, gentle myofascial release/deep tissue (all the gain without the pain!), trigger point work, craniosacral, and active/passive stretching.

Craniosacral Therapy

This is very gentle and effective form of bodywork that works with the
structure around the brain and spinal cord - head, spine, sacrum, and
pelvis - to support the well-being of the nervous system while facilitating full body
relaxation and balance, reducing stress, relieving pain, and enhancing the
function of all body systems.

Breathwork & Mindfulness

Inspired by Yogic and Buddhist traditions, as well as current research, breath and mindfulness practices are potent resources for improving or enhancing well-being.

These practices may: Reduce stress, produce feelings of calm, increase focus, improve mood, provide insight & clarity.

Movement Practices

Movement is essential for our well-being on all levels. Explore ways of moving that are simple and experience deep embodiment. Learn to honor and work with your body. Techniques may include various yoga inspired postures, stretches, and self-directed intuitive movement. If desired, a customized, at home practice is available as well. We work together to come up with a personalized set of ... Read More

Movement is essential for our well-being on all levels. Explore ways of moving that are simple and experience deep embodiment. Learn to honor and work with your body. Techniques may include various yoga inspired postures, stretches, and self-directed intuitive movement.

If desired, a customized, at home practice is available as well. We work together to come up with a personalized set of movements to support your body and you will receive a document via email detailing your practice.

Bioregional Plant Walk

AUGUST 3rd & 4th in JEROME, AZ * This class is being held two days in a row. It is the SAME class both days - please pick which day works best for you! This class is donation based. The suggested price is $20. It's ok to pay the day of the event also! Come learn about our native and naturalized plants! • Discover how the plants can benefit your well being • Try various plant preparat... Read More

AUGUST 3rd & 4th in JEROME, AZ

* This class is being held two days in a row. It is the SAME class both days - please pick which day works best for you!

This class is donation based. The suggested price is $20. It's ok to pay the day of the event also!

Come learn about our native and naturalized plants!
• Discover how the plants can benefit your well being
• Try various plant preparations
• Learn to "talk" to the plants
• Engage all your senses

Total ground covered will be less than a mile.
We will be on gravel and concrete surfaces.
Parking & restrooms available.
This event will take place rain or shine.

This class is being hosted by Datura Yoga and is BEING HELD IN JEROME, AZ.
855 Hampshire Avenue, Room 305 (upstairs)


My name is Amy C. Anderson and I’m a trauma-informed somatic practitioner, licensed massage therapist, certified yoga instructor & clinical herbalist.

I graduated from the Universal College of Healing Arts in 2009 and became licensed as a massage therapist in 2010. I am currently a member of the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. As a bodyworker, I have taken over 250 continuation education hours of trauma informed hands on work, as well as exploring other modalities such as myofascial techniques, cranial sacral, trigger points, and extensive self education on how touch affects the nervous system.

I am a certified yoga instructor as well. I began my yoga practice in 1997 and began teaching after receiving my training in 2006 from Omaha Yoga and Bodywork Center. I also received certification in Yin Yoga in 2007. I have studied with and give thanks to my many teachers including: Susi Amendola, Rolf Sovik, Cora Wen, Amy Matthews, and Sarah Powers.

After feeling strongly called to work with the plants for a few years, I began my herbal education at the Herbal Wisdom Institute in 2018, receiving my clinical herbalist certification in 2019. Also, in 2019, I completed an herbal apprenticeship with Darcey Blue at Sacred Wildness. Finally, I rounded out my herbal education in 2021 at the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine.

Lastly, I have so much gratitude for the plants - they are the ultimate teachers and our eternal allies.

Hello! My name is Amy C. Anderson and I’m a trauma-informed somatic practitioner, licensed mass... Read More

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Located at: 2115 S Cayuse Trl, Cottonwood
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